ISCBH Bone School 2025

Wednesday 28 May to Friday 30 May 2025
at Les Pensières Center for Global Health, Veyrier-du-Lac, Annecy, France

The ICCBH Bone School is a 3-day residential international educational course giving the opportunity for participants to learn about and discuss mechanisms, clinical diagnosis and treatment of paediatric bone health and rare bone diseases.
The first school took place in Dublin, Ireland from 29 June to 1 July 2022. The second was held in Annecy, France from Monday 29 to Wednesday 31 May 2023.
There is an application process for attendees for the Bone School which interested parties will need to complete. Please complete the application form by clicking on the orange button.
PLEASE NOTE: We are processing the applications which have been submitted for the 2025 Bone School. The process is now CLOSED for new applicants.
Aims and Objectives
On completion of this educational course participants will:
- Understand the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying bone fragility and mineralization disorders
- Understand how rare bone and muscle disorders affect the skeleton and growth
- Understand bone ultrastructure and bone imaging and how chronic diseases affect bone muscle and bone
- Be able to differentiate between mineralization and fragility disorders
- Understand the diagnostic and therapeutic options for the management of paediatric bone disorders
Course Organisers: Wolfgang Högler (Linz, Austria) & Ciara McDonnell (Dublin, Ireland)
Who should attend?
The school has been designed for clinicians, translational researchers, advanced nurse specialists and allied health professionals with a basic understanding of this field and an interest in enhancing their depth of knowledge in bone metabolism, bone disease and related skeletal disorders.
Therefore the course is best suited to the following groups:
- Senior (Year3+) Trainees in paediatric or adult endocrinology or relative specialities (genetics/ metabolic/orthopaedics)
- Clinical fellows with an interest in bone disease
- Postdoctoral clinical and translational researchers in fields related to bone metabolism or skeletal disorders
- Advanced nurse specialists and allied health professionals with an interest in enhancing their depth of knowledge
Numbers will be limited to 48 delegates in order to promote interaction and discussion both within and outside the lecture theatre. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from and interact with some of leading experts in the field.