Join us - become a member of ISCBH!

Membership of the ISCBH will give you the opportunity to be part of an international forum for networking and collaborations with leading experts in the field. You can also benefit from access to educational resources, discounts to attend our meetings and other educational activities, eligibility for grants and awards, updates and news from field. Being part of our community will help you through your career.
ISCBH Membership runs for 2 years in line with ICCBH. To ensure all memberships are in line with this cycle, any members that joined before ICCBH 2024 will be due for renewal in January 2026.
If you join between now and July 2025 you can join at a discounted rate of €150 for a full membership and €75 for the concessionary rate. These members will renew in January 2026
please fill out the application form using the link below
Clinicians and
Must be a Clinician or Scientist and have interests and/or involvement in the field of paediatric bone. Your institution or affiliation should be included in your application.
Students, Trainees and
Allied Health Professionals
Must be working towards a qualification in, have an interest and involvement in paediatric bone or work as an Allied Health Professional (e.g., physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing) in this field. There should be contributions to the field. Head of department or tutors contact details must be provided during the application.
Available to those from low and middle income countries as described by the world bank.
Membership is biennial in line with our conference. If you join up to and including June 2024 your membership will renew in January 2026. Full membership for qualified clinicians and scientist is €200 and €100 concessionary rate. If you join July 2024 to July 2025 you can join at a discounted rate of €150 for full membership and €75 for the concessionary rate – this will also renew in January 2026.